Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Spreading the Word in Downtown B-town...

Yeah, so that is me on my way out the door to hand out tracts in downtown Bremerton. This was technically only my second time (I think) going out with the intention of handing out tracts. It went pretty well, I only had two guys refuse to take one. One gentleman about slammed himself against a wall almost like I had a knife but, he saw what I had in my hand. The other guy... I said, "here is some reading material while you wait," he was waiting for a bus or ferry. He asked me if it was religious and I said, "yeah, a little." He didn't want it saying that he is an atheist. So, I set it on the seat next to him and told him it was there in case he changed his mind. As I walked away he yelled that I was littering so, I said I would come back around to pick it up. A few minutes later I went back and said something like, guess you didn't change your mind, he said, "nope." I wished him a good day and he did the same.
I learned a few things that I will do differently next time. Like maybe trying to talk to the atheist about his "beliefs." Or trying to engage someone in conversation, with the good person test.

Below is a picture of one of the tracks I was handing out with a stamp that leads people to this blog if they have questions or just want to harass me. Also, a picture of the new stamp.
I had two tracts together, one inside the other. One from, which seem to have some of the best for getting people interested in reading them and one from the Tract Fellowship League (which you need to be careful with because some of theirs can be taken wrong. What I mean is that without knowledge it would seem like the ask God into your heart and you are eternally saved, which is not accurate and wrong.

1 comment:

Laura said...

Yea Jeromy!!! I love to hear that people are receiving the truth!!