Thursday, January 8, 2009

The need for...

I feel the need... the need for tears. I am so ashamed at my timidness in Christ. I am still shaking off the world in this mortal coil. What am I afraid of??? I or not even just my self but all those in the body of the church, the holy bride, so badly need to get out and speak to people about Jesus. Don't we freely tell the world of our love for our spouse and our children. We even us the word love in reference to possessions like televisions, vehicles, or even food which are here for only a moment and mean absolutely nothing. BUT, we cannot muster the strength to relate the word of love in relation to our savior in public. How many choke on it just in prayer as if we are afraid someone may hear. We are not so bold as we think or wish ourselves to be.
What are we so afraid of? We may get an odd look, our cheeks may turn red, we might stutter over the words, we may have to say "I don't know, but I will find the answer," or we may even lead someone to salvation and then what do we do? How dare we fear such things. We should fear the look of disappointment on His face when we pass up the opportunities to share. Can you imagine it, there you are at the register, obviously the cashier is having a bad day, you have a tract in your pocket and you think about handing it to her and maybe even talking to her about our Good Lord, as you reach for the tract and just then someone walks by and out of fear your stay your hand and your words and turn red while accepting the receipt, walking away. Can you see His face during this encounter? As your reach for the tract His eyes open a little wider and He starts to crack a smile with eye brows raised. Then as you pull back your hand His head drops and He shakes his head as a tear wells up in His eye. Whose shame should we fear? Shouldn't we be more afraid to disappoint our Holy God than our own possible embarrassment?! Personally, I am ashamed.
How can I not be? He was spit on, beaten, mocked, stabbed, hung on a tree, put on display... I cannot believe it, as I look at these words and see the images in my mind of what happened and the way they make me feel, there are no words to describe or relate the emotions they invoke.
Think of it in these terms: if I were to take my fist and knock your mother or father or brother or cousin our next door neighbor (or even the person you sit next to on the bus to the ground and spit on them every time you; curse, or stare at a woman's cleavage, or you go out with your body on display, or gossip, or lie and so on. How long would it be before you promised to stop doing those things? BECAUSE WE DO MORE THAN THAT EVERY TIME WE SIN. EVERY TIME WE BREAK HIS LAWS WE RECRUCIFY HIM. We say to him your pain means nothing to me, your humility was for nothing, I don't love you.
What will you do? Will you feel bad for a moment but then go back to watching those horrible movies? Remember, I will set no evil thing before my eyes... Hmm, why does that sound so familiar.
Ok, I must interject a story at this moment, the brownie story.
I heard this analogy sometime ago. There was a father whose teenage children wanted to see a certain movie with their friends. He questioned them about it and discovered that there was a brief nudity scene and some minor foul language. He said, "no." But they pleaded and begged so he said he would think about it.
A few days later when they got home from school there was a fresh batch of brownies on the counter. The kids wanted some very badly. The dad said they could have them after he read the ingredients. So he started, eggs and flour and etc then he got to the chocolate only the finest, the kids grew impatient and begged for the brownies... then the final ingredient a teaspoon of a special blend of chocolate that included cat feces it is said to make it especially creamy.
The kids suddenly lost their desire for the brownies. Funny how a teaspoon that only included certain things could ruin ones appetite for the whole batch.
SO, those movies aren't THAT bad you say... Would you sit down and watch it with Jesus on the couch with you?
Anyway, I have ranted enough for the moment. All I meant to say is that I am going crazy not going out and speaking for Him.

This rant was done in love...

2 Corinthians 5:17
Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.
James 2:14
What doth it profit, my brethren, though a man say he hath faith, and have not works?...
James 2:24
Ye see then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only.

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