Thursday, November 27, 2008

My first "Good Person Test"

Well, this morning I got a "Happy Thanksgiving" call from a family member. We got to talking and the conversation turned to church and God. As we progressed I was able to stir up their beliefs and hopefully give them something to think about, after taking them through the "Good Person Test." They were raised Catholic so they have those teachings as their foundation. The usual God is love and by works I will out weigh my evil so I will go to heaven, that is a shame. They are open to discussion despite their assertion that despite our differing beliefs they will always love me. I hope that holds true. I am excited that they are open, after taking them through the test I pressed upon them that it is so very important for them to study the scriptures for them self and not to simply trust what they are being told by myself or any other person whatever position they hold.
Thank you God for the opportunity to speak to them today.

"How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?"
(Rom 10:14)


Katie Ashcraft said...
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Joshua Elsom said...

I remember my first "Good Person" test. Seems like only yesterday. You are in for a wild ride my friend. It starts with the "good person" test, then a few tracts, and next thing you know you will be standing on a soap box.

Let me guess, you have already thought,"Oh no, I think one of these days I actually might find myself standing on box and preaching in the streets." I had those thoughts race through my mind when I first started listening to Ray Comfort's teaching about 3 years ago. A year later I was on a box.