Sunday, November 30, 2008

Seattle and The Nutcracker

Well, yesterday my family went to see The Nutcracker in Seattle. We had a great time at the show then eating together afterward and catching the ferry back home and seeing my wife's half -brother. But the best part was handing out tracts. The tracts I have right now are Way of the Master or Livingwater tracts. We were mostly able to hand out different money tracts but a few post cards as well. My son and I did the majority but we were also able to get my oldest daughter to get involved as well. It was a great because we could see people reading them from a block away.
We had the wrong address for the show to begin with and we were on foot so we had to quickly get to the actual location, we were exactly two miles off target. We called the box office and they said that it happens a lot becuase they have two differnt locations. On the way we saw a brother in Christ doing some preaching. I wish we were able to stay and give him some encouragement. We said a few words as we passed but I could tell, the more I thought about it, he may have needed some building up. Anyway, I will just keep that in mind the next time that happens and pray for him.

Final note... Anyone here about the Walmart employee that got trampled in Rhode Island? My prayer and hope is that the suffering economy will bring families closer together and realize what this season is supposed to be about...

Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.
(James 4:4)

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