Sunday, November 30, 2008

Seattle and The Nutcracker

Well, yesterday my family went to see The Nutcracker in Seattle. We had a great time at the show then eating together afterward and catching the ferry back home and seeing my wife's half -brother. But the best part was handing out tracts. The tracts I have right now are Way of the Master or Livingwater tracts. We were mostly able to hand out different money tracts but a few post cards as well. My son and I did the majority but we were also able to get my oldest daughter to get involved as well. It was a great because we could see people reading them from a block away.
We had the wrong address for the show to begin with and we were on foot so we had to quickly get to the actual location, we were exactly two miles off target. We called the box office and they said that it happens a lot becuase they have two differnt locations. On the way we saw a brother in Christ doing some preaching. I wish we were able to stay and give him some encouragement. We said a few words as we passed but I could tell, the more I thought about it, he may have needed some building up. Anyway, I will just keep that in mind the next time that happens and pray for him.

Final note... Anyone here about the Walmart employee that got trampled in Rhode Island? My prayer and hope is that the suffering economy will bring families closer together and realize what this season is supposed to be about...

Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.
(James 4:4)

Thursday, November 27, 2008

My first "Good Person Test"

Well, this morning I got a "Happy Thanksgiving" call from a family member. We got to talking and the conversation turned to church and God. As we progressed I was able to stir up their beliefs and hopefully give them something to think about, after taking them through the "Good Person Test." They were raised Catholic so they have those teachings as their foundation. The usual God is love and by works I will out weigh my evil so I will go to heaven, that is a shame. They are open to discussion despite their assertion that despite our differing beliefs they will always love me. I hope that holds true. I am excited that they are open, after taking them through the test I pressed upon them that it is so very important for them to study the scriptures for them self and not to simply trust what they are being told by myself or any other person whatever position they hold.
Thank you God for the opportunity to speak to them today.

"How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?"
(Rom 10:14)

Monday, November 24, 2008

Short-term Goals...

About two weeks ago I came up with this list of short-term goals for this journey.

1. Start blog.
2. A) Hand out tracts.
B) Find cohorts to open air with.
3. Open Air...

Short list I know. But it is really up to God as to where this all goes. As for me doing my part I have been studying what I can find (in addition to reading the bible of course). I have also order the Way of the Master course. I have already read the book and gone through what I have been able to find on the web. It would be nice to get my wife to go with me some time (hint, hint).

One things I did notice while handing out tracts today is that it became easier the more we handed out, duh! I think it might make a good warm up for when the open does get started.

Closing thought...

And he said unto them, go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
(Mar 16:15)

Day One...

Well, on my way home I was thinking about getting out and doing some preaching. It seamed that my mind was already made-up or the decision was already made.
When I got home I talked to my wife, then my son and I went out after gathering some materials. We headed for Silverdale water front park. It was pretty dead, only a few parents playing with their toddlers on the swing sets. I felt that if I were to start there that it would be more of an accusatory open air and I didn't want to start off like that. My son and I decided to start by handing out some tracts and talked, briefly, to a few people. We put a few more on cars and then we left.
As I have been thinking about doing the open air, I was considering starting by handing out tracts anyway. So, I suppose this was God's way of getting my of my tush and getting started. At least we were able to get some gospel out there...