Monday, February 9, 2009

Evangelism...and R U Saved???

Saturday, a brother and I went down to The Tacoma Mall and passed out tracts. It was great, we had conversations with with at least 6-10 people. You could see conviction in several but it is in God's hands now. I learned a lot from my brother in Christ.

Sunday, church of course and it was great. Then several hours of fellowship, that I am growing to enjoy more and more. After that I went down to Shelton with a group of guys for a prison ministry. It turned out to be a good time, not sure yet that this is the direction of my walk but I will continue to ask God in prayer, where He wants me to be.

Came across this video again this morning, and I thought I should share it. It is a little clip from a Paul Washer sermon (about 3 minutes). I pray that those who watch/listen to it really hear and apply it to their own salvation.

1 comment:

mrsmajwally said...

this man speaks the truth, he has a great bit called 'i do not know you' it is super juicy. my heart soars to read about what you are doing in your walk! be encouraged my brother! not all of us are called to the street evangelism you are doing, but it is part of His work and it needs to be done. i feel so blessed to have a man of God in our family!give your beautiful wife a hug for me!